Gas Deep Fryer

Short Description

By using a Gas Deep Fryer, the frying process becomes much more comfortable. Because all parts of the food that are submerged in oil will cook evenly. Also equipped with an oil drain bracket, made of stainless steel, strong and durable. In addition, this Gas Deep Fryer also has a size that is much more ergonomic than when using ordinary pans and stoves. Because it has a large capacity of up to 21 liters. It is suitable for frying nuggets, potatoes and other food ingredients that facilitate the frying process. Also equipped with Thermocouple for flame failure safety device and high limit temperature control to prevent fires.

Main Features

  • Able to cook evenly
  • Equipped with an oil drain bracket
  • Ergonomic size
  • Large Capacity
  • Equipped with flame failure safety device
  • High limit temperature control
